GAISE 2016

  1. Teach statistical thinking.
    • Teach statistics as an investigative process of problem-solving and decision-making.
    • Give students experience with multivariable thinking.
  2. Focus on conceptual understanding.

  3. Integrate real data with a context and purpose.

  4. Foster active learning.

  5. Use technology to explore concepts and analyze data.

  6. Use assessments to improve and evaluate student learning.

Real data

The StatPREP definition:

  • captured in the wild: not collected for teaching statistics
  • appropriate for investigation of a particular question or set of questions
    • large enough (think: \(n \ge 1000\))
    • rich enough (think: 5 or more variables)

For the moment, put aside the important matters of context and purpose.

Instead, focus on the organization of data in a way that will contribute to

  • good habits in the workplace
  • ability to use technology effectively
  • multivariable thinking

Discipline in presenting data encourages good work habits.

Data organization

Data organization

  • Almost all StatPREP participants say they teach little or nothing about organizing data.
  • In textbooks, teaching about data focusses on variable types, not organization.
  • Organizing data properly is critically important for …
    • thinking correctly with data
    • using real data with technology

“Database Thinking”

  • Ironically, this is a very mathematical form of thinking, but few mathematicians know about it.
  • SQL is the algebra that gets you a job
  • Data base thinking \(\to\) explore and present both simple and complex data
  • Fundamental to data science

Unruly data

unruly: (adj.) disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control

Unruly data

unruly: (adj.) disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control

Example 1

Unruly data

unruly: (adj.) disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control

Example 2

Rules tame unruliness

  1. Always in a “spreadsheet” (ie, rows and columns, electronic) fail ✔︎✔︎✔︎
  2. Rows: One row per unit of observation/analysis
    • No other info (e.g. summaries, codebook info) in spreadsheet fail
    • Any subset of rows is a valid data set.
  3. Columns: One column per variable fail
    • Always use column names fail
  4. Always have a codebook fail
    • Rows: how cases were selected
    • Columns: units, specific questions/protocols/methods
  5. Segregate data collection and data analysis
    • Never change the original data as part of the analysis

Rules tame unruliness

  1. Always in a “spreadsheet” (ie, rows and columns) fail ✔︎✔︎✔︎
  2. Rows: One row per unit of observation/analysis
  3. Columns: One column per variable fail
  4. Always have a codebook fail
  5. Segregate data collection and data analysis

Note: This sort of tidy/rectangular data is not the only kind of data, but it is an extremely important kind of data and sufficient for introductory courses.


You need to have a way to distribute such data.

  • Google spreadsheets, google forms
  • CSV files

  • More efficient forms

Operations on Tidy Data

Tidy Data Admits Standard Data Operations

One advantage of tidy data is that it is ammenable to standard, reusable data operations.

Data Operations: Fundamental

  • summarize / reduce: convert entire data set to 1-row of summary values
    • in spreadsheet: often not tidy, summary formulas can be placed in untidy places
    • in R: df_stats()
  • mutate / transform: add new variable
    • in spreadsheet: add a new column
    • in R: mutate()
  • filter: remove/ignore rows or columns

Data Operations: Superficial

  • select: remove/ignore columns
  • arrange
    • in spreadsheet, “sort”. But how do you do this without altering the data?
    • in R: arrange()

Data Operations: Profound

Long vs Wide Data

country continent year lifeExp
Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801
Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332
Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997
Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020

country continent pop1952 pop1957 pop1962 pop1967 pop1972 pop1977 pop1982 pop1987 pop1992 pop1997 pop2002 pop2007
Afghanistan Asia 28.801 30.332 31.997 34.020 36.088 38.438 39.854 40.822 41.674 41.763 42.129 43.828
Albania Europe 55.230 59.280 64.820 66.220 67.690 68.930 70.420 72.000 71.581 72.950 75.651 76.423
Algeria Africa 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola Africa 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731


List the many ways in which this “table” violates the conventions for effective data organization.

Variable types

These are often introduced as definitions before the student has any use for them.

In stats book:

Variables Types

Key distinction / minor distinctions

  • numerical: interval, ratio, count, measure, …
  • categorical: unordered, ordered

Variable types in the wild


  • quantities (with dimension and units) –
  • times and dates
  • counts (natural numbers)
  • codes: codes represent discrete levels, not really numerical

Variable types in the wild


  • “Two-sample” isn’t (usually) two samples
    • one sample, two variables
    • categorical variable identifies the group
  • Summarizing with proportions doesn’t make categrical data numerical
  • Fixed vs “Random”
    • Fixed: data contains all levels of interest
    • Random: data represents a subset of/sample from levels of interest